
Brazil’s mature Campos basin oil fields: decommission or redevelop?

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Decommissioning costs of US$8 billion are expected in the Campos basin between 2018 and 2025. However, investing the US$8 billion in the redevelopment of these mature fields could extend the life of these fields and delay decommissioning. We have measured the impact of a redevelopment scenario on production, royalty payments and job generation in this insight. Several examples of redevelopment are already underway. We explore the redevelopment plans for the Roncador, Marlim and Polvo fields. But there is further upside. The increase of recovery factors to the level of international analogues could unlock 5 billion barrels of oil to the basin reserves.

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    Brazil’s mature Campos basin oil fields - decommission or redevelop.pdf

    PDF 1.52 MB