Azerbaijan upstream summary
*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
Report summary
Table of contents
- Executive summary
- Key facts
- Location maps
Key companies
State companies
- Southern Gas Corridor Company (SGC)
- BP
- Other Majors
Other companies
- Turkish operators
- Russian operators
- Asian operators
- Iranian operators
- Other investors
- Recent divestments (2021 onwards)
Service sector
- Local content
- Offshore rig market
- Engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services
State companies
- Onshore
- Offshore
South Caspian basin
- Structural (tectonic) elements
- Absheron province
- Gobustan province
- Lower Kura province and Baku archipelago
South Caspian deepwater basin
- Initial discoveries
- Shafag Asiman discovery (2021)
- Stratigraphy
Reservoirs and source rocks
- Reservoirs
- Seal and source rocks
- North Caucasus-Mangyshlak basin
- Licensing
- Historical background
IOC activity
- Key active contracts
- Other recent talks
- Recent relinquishments (2020 onwards)
- Drilling activity
SOCAR activity
- Pre-2000 activity
- Recent activity
IOC-led activity
- Onshore
- Offshore
- Future drilling plans
- Onshore
- Offshore
- 7 more item(s)...
Reserves and resources
- Azerbaijani reserve classification system
- Reserves by basin
- Reserves by shore status
- Contingent resources
- Reserves by report
- Overview
- Historical liquids production
- Current and future liquids production
- Overview
- Historical gas production
- Future gas production
- Domestic gas balance
- Overview
- Oil infrastructure
- Gas infrastructure
- Oil infrastructure
International pipelines
- Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline
- Northern Route Export Pipeline (to Novorossiisk, Russia)
- Western Route Export Pipeline (WREP, Baku-Supsa)
Ports and terminals
- Dubendi (Baku port)
- Sangachal
- Storage facilities
Rail infrastructure
- Overview
- Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway
- Refineries
Gas infrastructure
- Overview
International pipelines
- Southern Gas Corridor value chain
- Legacy pipelines to/from Iran
- Legacy pipelines to Georgia
- Legacy pipeline to/from Russia
- Legacy pipelines via Armenia (inactive)
- 4 more item(s)...
- Introduction
Capital costs
- Capital expenditure by location
Operating costs
- Operating expenditure by location
Policy and regulation
Key legislation
- Subsoil Law (February 1998)
- Energy Law (November 1998)
- Energy Resources Law (May 1996)
- Foreign Investment Law (January 1992)
Other legislation
- Law on Gas Supply (May 1998)
- Presidential Decree 150 (December 2004) and Internal Regulation of the Ministry of Industry and Energy (May 2006)
- Law on oil and gas export activities
Regulatory body
- Ministry of Energy
- Other regulation
- State Oil Fund (SOFAZ)
- Azerbaijan Investment Holding
- Azerkontrakt
State oil company
- SOCAR subsidiaries and JVs
- Southern Gas Corridor Company (SGC)
- State participation
- 3 more item(s)...
Key legislation
Fiscal terms
- Overview
- Risk Service Agreements (RSAs)
- Midstream / downstream
- Current fiscal terms
PSC terms
- Model contract terms (for future licensing)
- State equity participation
- Fiscal stability
- Bonuses, rentals and fees
- Indirect taxes
- Royalty
- PSC ring-fencing
- PSC cost recovery
- 4 more item(s)...
- Risk Service Agreements (RSAs)
- Sample cash flow
Concession terms (SOCAR's independent non-PSC operations)
- Overview
- Mining tax (royalty)
- 1 more item(s)...
Tables and charts
This report includes the following images and tables:
- Liquids production by field
- Gas production by field
- Key facts: Table 1
- Country map
- Simplified tertiary stratigraphy
- Absheron province: Productive Sequence litho-stratigraphic units
- Middle and Upper Productive Sequence: local stratigraphic nomenclature
- Reserves and resources: Table 1
- Liquids and gas reserves
- Reserves and resources: Table 3
- Reserves and resources: Table 4
- Infrastructure: Table 1
- 46 more item(s)...
What's included
This report contains:
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