
Top 5 refining and oil markets themes in Asia

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In this insight, key 5 themes of long-term oil markets will be covered: 1. Asia’s oil demand grows but peaks around 2040, what is causing the turn and what does it mean for refiners? 2. Due to global refining overcapacity, refining margins will remain depressed and more closures are on the way. How will this impact the growth of refinery capacity and what can existing refiners do to survive and improve margins? 3 & 4. Asia faces a dual challenge, how to meet its shortages of light distillates and find export markets for its surplus middle-distillates 5. Asia is increasingly reliant on imports of Crude Oil, where to turn to?

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  • The main deliverable for this Insight is a slide-pack which can be found in the download area.

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  • Document

    Top 5 Refining And Oil Markets Themes In Asia 2021

    PPTX 45.31 MB