Global solar PV tracker market shares and shipment trends 2019
*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
This report provides market share information for the leading solar PV tracker manufacturers, both on a global and regional level. It also includes a historical global ranking of the top 10 solar PV tracker vendors, from 2016 through 2018, along with a cumulative shipment history for these top vendors. Globally, NEXTracker and Array Technologies continued to lead the market through 2018, but some of their successors have gained more market share relative to their 2017 shipments.
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Companies mentioned in this report include:
Alion | ArcelorMittal Projects Exosun | Arctech Solar | Array Technologies | Convert Italia | FTC | GameChange Solar | Ideematec | Jsolar | L&T | Mahindra Susten | NClave | NEXTracker | Optimum Tracker | PV Hardware | Solar Steel by GONVARRI | Soltec | STI Norland | Sunfolding | SunPower
This report is also available as part of our PV Technology Systems & Operations Service.
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