
OPEC+ production cuts tracker

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In this spreadsheet we document the OPEC group changes historically, as far back as 2006. The focus is on the more recent agreements with the wider OPEC+ group alliance which began in December 2016 with the Declaration of Cooperation (DoC). This was an unprecedented moment in OPEC’s history where it coordinated with 11 non-OPEC countries in an effort to stabilise the oil market. The DoC was initially in place for six months, however, due to its success it was extended several times and remains today. It includes baseline levels, production cuts and effective production targets for the OPEC+ group members from January 2017 to end-2025, including the extension of the latest voluntary cuts, as agreed on 2 June. Subsequent extensions of the voluntary cuts up to end-2025, and compensation schedules for countries which have overproduced are also included.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    OPEC And Non OPEC Agreements Dec 2024.xlsx

    XLSX 233.89 KB