
What is the best exploration strategy for the recovery?

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The exploration industry is searching for a new way forward. Here we summarise the main strategic themes for explorers, outlining some key arguments for and against. We characterise four broad categories based on impact and water depth. These simplify the complex reality of exploration strategies which can be defined according to a myriad of other factors including materiality, hydrocarbon phase, timing, risk, geography, geopolitics, subsurface and existing portfolio. Our four themes are generic. Every company has its own specific factors and sources of competitive advantage to consider. Fit with existing portfolios, particular competencies or preferential access can be critical. So too are timing considerations. Those with the cushion of a robust near-term production outlook will take a different approach to those that face greater urgency to replace output.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • The oil and gas industry expects less from exploration
  • New exploration goals need new strategies
    • Theme one: high-impact deepwater exploration
    • Theme two: high-impact onshore and shelf exploration
    • Theme three: near-field conventional exploration
    • Theme four: unconventional exploration
  • Which strategic themes to choose?

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Alignment of exploration themes with different performance goals
  • Fit of exploration themes with company peer groups
  • The case for high-impact deepwater exploration
  • The case for high-impact onshore and shelf exploration
  • The case for near-field conventional exploration
  • The case for unconventional exploration

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    What is the best exploration strategy for the recovery?

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