
Seven pillars of exploration success: the keys to adding value and cutting carbon

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The energy transition has moved the goalposts for explorers. Growth is off the agenda. Success is no longer as simple as finding reserves to create value, although this remains a key objective. Explorers must also be seen to play their part in decarbonisation. Our original five pillars of exploration success are now seven. We expect the sector will create value, play its part in funding new energies, and help decarbonise future oil and gas supply.

Table of contents

  • A new goal – exploration must advance decarbonisation
  • The old fundamentals still hold true
  • New urgency – explorers do not have time on their side
  • Better optics – explorers must widen stakeholder engagement
  • New goals and new pillars of exploration success

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Exploration elevator pitches
  • The seven pillars of exploration success supporting value creation and decarbonisation

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Seven pillars of exploration success: the keys to adding value and cutting carbon

    PDF 902.45 KB