Asset Report

Argentina Neuquen exploration basin

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The asset report for the Argentina Neuquen exploration basin has been archived. This is because little conventional exploration has occurred since the last update (March 2013) and almost all current and future activity is in unconventional plays. Reports on unconventional activity are available, depending on subscription. A comprehensive update of this basin report will be carried out if and when activity necessitates it. However, should the basin be of interest to you from a conventional angle, please do not hesitate to contact and we can discuss sharing Wood Mackenzie's latest views and information on the basin.

Table of contents

  • Highlights
  • Commerciality index
  • Play inputs - Mesozoic Oil

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Exploration history map
  • Exploration wells by play
  • Key play characteristics

What's included

This report contains: