Asset Report

Albania Ionian Sea exploration basin

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Exploration in the Albania Ionian Sea Basin began in the early 20th century and has historically focused on the shallow Tertiary Onshore play, which is characterised by small (<10 mmboe), predominantly heavy oil fields. exploration in the ionian sea was transformed in 2013, when petromanas, partnered by shell, made a large, play-opening discovery. the 160 mmbbl shpiragu discovery is the largest onshore find in europe for over a decade, and accounts for a third of the total volume discovered in the ionian sea to date. the newly opened play is complex - triassic to eocene fractured carbonates, buried to more than 6,000 metres. this exploration basin report provides a detailed analysis of exploration in this basin, including costs, discovered and yet-to-find volume and prospect and play economics. it is accompanied by multiple excel downloads.>

Table of contents

  • Key issues include:

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Exploration wells by play
  • Key play characteristics

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Albania Ionian Sea exploration basin

    PDF 1.41 MB