Asset Report

Zhongyuan copper refinery

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Zhongyuan refinery is located in Sanmenxia, Henan Province, China. It was a relocation project of the old Zhongyuan gold refinery, integrated with the relocated Zhongyuan smelter. The construction started in 2013 and the refinery was commissioned in 2015. Upon commissioning the refinery has a capacity of 200 ktpa. There was a Phase II expansion at the smelter and it was commissioned in 2018, increasing the capacity of the refinery to 350 ktpa. There is an integrated precious metals plant to process the slimes from the refinery and it has a capacity to produce 30 t/a gold and 350 t/a silver. Accompanying analysis covers only the production and cost from the refinery from 2019 onwards and the precious metals plant was not included.

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    Zhongyuan copper refinery

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