
Will protectionism make or break the European cell manufacturing industry?

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With Europe's ambition to electrify its automotive industry, the region should be fertile for battery producers. However, increasing industrial protectionism and a lack support for homegrown talent threatens gigafactories in the region. In this insight, we analyst the need for a robust EV supply chain in Europe and why new entrants are finding it difficult to establish themselves effectively.

Table of contents

  • Executive Summary
  • The case for European cell production
  • A challenging outlook for homegrown talent
  • Can homegrown players survive in a risked EV outlook?
  • How can Europe foster gigafactory talent?

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • European cell supply by company headquarters location
  • Base case gigafactories are located nearby to EV plants
  • Gigafactories delayed or scrapped in Europe
  • Gigafactory cost curve for 2024
  • Capex intensity of gigafactories by region
  • Gigafactory emissions from power usage by country
  • Tesla Model Y sticker price in Germany remains higher than importing costs from China
  • European gigafactory capacity at risk in a risked EV outlook

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Will protectionism make or break the European cell manufacturing industry?

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