Asset Report

Shandong Xinhai EAF nickel operation

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Located in Junan Town, Linyi City, Shandong. Founded in November 2007, the operation consists of four 25MVA electric arc furnaces with a combined capacity of 72kt/a FeNi grading between 10-13% Ni, although 4-6% NPI can also be made. The total investment was RMB 480M and came into production in April 2008. High power prices in Shandong have limited production to date. An expansion to 400kt/a (from the current 72kt/a) is under consideration This would involve the addition of a further 6...

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  • Document

    Shandong Xinhai EAF nickel operation

    XLS 547.00 KB

  • Document

    Shandong Xinhai EAF nickel operation

    PDF 1.23 MB