Asset Report

Potrerillos copper refinery

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The refinery is located at Potrerillos, Atacama Province, 125km east of Chanaral, and has adequate road and rail links. It was constructed to treat anodes from the associated Potrerillos smelter. Most of the steam for refinery heating is generated by three oil-fired boilers and, in the past, by one coal-fired boiler. In this analysis all fuel is shown as oil and the consumption adjusted for the amount of coal used. In July 2005 it was announced that Codelco will close its El Salvador...

Table of contents

  • Emissions

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Potrerillos Emission Intensity Quartile Ranking - total global production - tonnes Cu
  • Detailed map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Potrerillos copper refinery

    PDF 1.59 MB