Asset Report

Nickel West Restart nickel project

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In February 2024, BHP announced plans to review its Western Australia Nickel operations. By July 2024, citing global oversupply, BHP suspended its WA nickel operations, including the Kwinana refinery, Kalgoorlie smelter, and Mt Keith and Leinster mines. In this profile, we attempt to show a holistic view of what would lay beyond in 2027, considering what a restart would look like. The Mt Keith deposit comprises low-grade disseminated sulphide ore mined from a large open pit. The ore is crushed and processed on-site to produce nickel concentrate. The Yakabindie satellite mine now serves as the primary ore source for the Mt Keith concentrator. Leinster is a high-grade nickel sulphide operation sourcing ore from the Leinster and Cliffs underground mines and the Rocky's Reward open pit. The Venus underground mine transitioned to production in September 2020, with ore blended and processed at Leinster's concentrator and dryer.

Table of contents

  • Mt Keith Operation
  • Leinster Operation
  • Mt Keith Operation
  • Leinster Operation
    • Mt Keith Operation
    • Leinster Operation
    • Mt Keith Operation
    • Leinster Operation

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Detailed map

What's included

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  • Document


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  • Document

    Nickel West Restart nickel project

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