Asset Report

Lanfranchi - Closed nickel operation

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Production commenced at Lanfranchi in 2005 with the mine supplying ore to BHP Billiton's Kambalda mill where it was toll processed. All of the resultant concentrate was purchased by BHP. In August 2015 seismic activity at the Lanfranchi operations forced owner operator Panoramic Resources to suspend mining at its Deacon and Jury-Metcalfe deposits. Mining continued from the Lanfranchi deposit and development activities progressed to establish access to the Lower Schmitz deposit until mid-September when the company announced the suspension of all mining activities. The mine was purchased by Black Mountain Metals in 2018. We understand that Black Mountain intends to return Lanfranchi to production with a view to targeting the evolving battery raw materials markets. However as there is no timeframe in place for Lanfranchi's development this project is not currently included in our cost analysis.

Table of contents

  • Mining
  • Process

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Cashflow

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


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  • Document

    Lanfranchi - Closed nickel operation

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