Asset Report

Goro nickel operation

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The Goro nickel operation has been plagued by capital cost over runs, start up delays and operations issues since commencing production in 2011. Initial capital costs were put at US$1.4 billion, although final costs were closer to +US$6 billion. As of 2024, the Société de Participation minière du Sud calédonien (SPMSC), which is 50% owned by the North and Island provinces and 50% by the South province of New Caledonia, has a majority (30%) share of ownership. Prony Resources' employees, via the FCPE (Corporate Mutual Funds), own 12%, and the local population, via the FPRESC, owns a 9% share. Trafigura retained a 19% share. Prony Resources has the remaining 30% of shares via the La Compagnie financière de Prony, which brings together industrial investors, clients and the management of Prony Resources.

Table of contents

  • Emissions
  • Mining
  • Process
  • Cashflow

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Goro Emission Intensity Quartile Ranking - total global production - tonnes Ni equivalent
  • Detailed map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    XLS 702.50 KB

  • Document

    GroNi flow.pdf

    PDF 10.52 KB

  • Document

    Goro nickel operation

    PDF 1.46 MB