Commodity Market Report

LNG short-term outlook: March 2024

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TTF prices have increased almost +20% since our last update. This is largely linked to the strengthening in coal and carbon prices due to additional sanctions on Russian coal production, some disruptions, emerging demand in the Mediterranean and opportunistic buying. As a result, the European coal-to-gas switching range shifted up +$1.5/mmbtu – supporting gains at TTF which still trades at the bottom of the switching range to incentivise gas demand. Asian LNG prices moved upwards with European markers, but also with additional procurement. Their premium to Europe LNG prices remained around $1/mmbtu, supporting longer routes on efficient ships at the margin.

Table of contents

  • Commodity prices soared this month, but the market remains well supplied

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Updated: 28 March 2024

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Short Term Outlook (Data).xlsx

    XLSX 256.17 KB

  • Document

    LNG Short Term Outlook.pdf

    PDF 1.58 MB