
Global short-term LNG supply tracker (Q4 2022)

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Despite higher capacity, global LNG supply has only marginally surpassed last year's output over winter. The long-awaited restart at Freeport LNG is underway. Once fully online, unplanned downtime will fall to its lowest since early 2020. However, most plants have run hard in the last year to take advantage of high prices. The risk of further outages and an increased requirement for maintenance remains high in 2023. - How will LNG supply perform this spring? - Where is growth coming from this year? - How many new projects will start over the next two years?

Table of contents

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Short Term LNG Supply Tracker Q1 2023.pdf

    PDF 972.36 KB

  • Document

    Short Term LNG Supply Tracker Q1 2023.xlsx

    XLSX 791.93 KB