
Global short-term LNG supply tracker (Q2 2023)

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Global LNG run rates have dropped slightly in May, falling to 84% of nameplate capacity. Several facilities have suffered disruptions, including a compressor failure at Snohvit and a small power trip at Prelude FLNG. Planned maintenance has continued to intensify, with Gorgon, Oman LNG, Pluto, and Cameron LNG all hit with multi-week turnarounds on targeted trains. Our satellite imagery has also detected train downtime in Qatar, Nigeria and at North West Shelf in the last month.

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Short Term LNG Supply Tracker Q2 2023.xlsx

    XLSX 887.14 KB

  • Document

    Short Term LNG Supply Tracker Q2 2023.pdf

    PDF 989.34 KB