Asset Report

Fos-Tonkin (Fos-sur-Mer I) - LNG regas terminal

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Fos-Tonkin is an onshore operational regas terminal located 50km west of Marseille, in the South of France. The terminal first started operations in 1972 and was refurbished in 1995 and 1999. It is owned by Engie and operated by its subsidiary Elengy. The facility can only accommodate small tankers of no larger than 75,000 m³(Med-Max), which reduces the range of supply sources that can use it.For the 2021-2028 period, the terminal has a 1.8 bcm/yr (1.3 mmtpa) regas capacity. In 2015, ...

Table of contents

  • Worked example
  • Reloading tariffs

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    Fos-Tonkin (Fos-sur-Mer I) - LNG regas terminal

    PDF 1.43 MB