Asset Report

Fos-Cavaou (Fos-sur-Mer II) - LNG regas terminal

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After an initial commissioning cargo of Algerian LNG was unloaded in October 2009, the Fos-Cavaou terminal started commercial operations in April 2010. Due to a procedural error in the permitting process, it was only allowed to run at 20% capacity until August 2010. The terminal is located on an 80-hectare site on the Cavaou peninsula near the existing Fos-Tonkin (formerly Fos-sur-Mer I) regas facility, which started operations in 1972. It is owned by Engie (formally GDF Suez) through its subsidiary, Elengy. Total had a 27.5% share in the Fos-Cavaou terminal through its shares in Fosmax LNG, rebranded from STMFC in March 2012. Elengy acquired Total’s shares in February 2020. Fosmax LNG is responsible for the marketing of capacity at the terminal and Elengy operates the terminal

Table of contents

  • Worked Example
  • Reloading tariffs

Tables and charts

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  • Document


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  • Document

    Fos-Cavaou (Fos-sur-Mer II) - LNG regas terminal

    PDF 1.47 MB