Asset Report

DS LNG - Commercial Overview

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The Donggi-Senoro (DSLNG) project in Indonesia is a 1-train LNG development operated by Mitsubishi Corporation. The Donggi-Senoro (DSLNG) commercial overview outlines the project development and commercial structure. It explores the key issues facing the project, details the contracts and contains plant and field location maps and an FOB breakeven analysis. Please see the PERTAMINA Sulawesi (Matindok) and Senoro-Toili JOA report for details of upstream assets that feed into the project.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Index Map
  • Detail Map
  • LNG Purchase Agreements

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    DS LNG - Commercial Overview

    PDF 1.66 MB