Asset Report

Aliaga LNG - LNG regas terminal

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Turkey's second regasification terminal, located at Aliaga, was completed in 2001. However, it was not used to import LNG until late 2006.Since the majority of current deliveries to Aliaga are spot volumes, utilisation of the terminal depends on the level of pipeline supplies, weather conditions and the competitiveness of LNG versus piped imports. Imports to Aliaga reached record levels at the start of 2019 to meet high gas demand driven by particularly cold weather. High import levels were supported by a regas capacity expansion at Aliaga from 5.8 bcm/y to 8.8 bcm/y in December 2016 and again in September 2017 to 16.6 bcm/y.

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    Aliaga LNG - LNG regas terminal

    PDF 1.51 MB