As governments and energy companies intensify their rhetoric about net zero emissions, the future of natural gas is coming under increased scrutiny. Gas will be key to decarbonise countries that remain dependent on coal in their energy mix, particularly in Asia. But for net zero to be achieved, the use of gas in the long term will need to reduce. Or more needs to be done to decarbonise natural gas. Read this insight to understand what options are available to decarbonise natural gas across the value chain and what companies are doing, including: • Upstream: how much Scope1&2 emission reduction has been achieved in key projects that have attempted to mitigate emissions? • LNG: what is “carbon-neutral LNG” and why is it gaining momentum? • Industrial clusters: what are the flagship projects to deploy CCS/CCUS to help decarbonise hard-to-abate emissions in industrial clusters? How can they become commercially viable? • Blue Hydrogen: what’s the role of Blue Hydrogen?