
Russia’s journey from piped to LNG exports

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Europe import dependency is growing, and Russia is well placed to increase its gas exports owing to its world-class resource base and proximity to the region. But does this mean a significant increase in Russia’s piped exports to Europe? Not necessary. In this insight, we look at various long-term options for Russia gas exports growth and compare the feasibility of construction of additional pipelines versus development of new LNG projects. We look at regulatory, fiscal and corporate implications of different options, as well as analyse their competitiveness between each other and with key global rivals.

Table of contents

    • Europe’s gas import growth – what will Russia’s role be?
    • European gas market dynamics are changing, making it harder for Russia to compete
    • Infrastructure availability is key – Ukraine is necessary to maintain flexible supply, particularly in the near term
    • In the long term, Russia is likely to push for more direct export routes, but new pipelines are unlikely
    • Pipeline challenges are mounting
    • Is LNG the way to go?
    • Not without consequences for Gazprom and the Russian state
    • Corporate dynamics
    • 11 more item(s)...

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Russia - gas flows by major pipeline
  • European import dependency
  • Russia piped flows into Europe and piped export capacities
  • Russia piped flows into Europe by key export routes and piped export capacities
  • Possible routes of additional direct infrastructure into Europe
  • Key LNG projects by company
  • Delivered costs of Russian gas into Germany via different routes
  • Contributions of hydrocarbon taxes into the state budget
  • Russia gas export capacity available to Europe – LNG accounts for over 20%
  • Russia’s gas reserves and resources
  • Delivered costs of selected pre-FID projects into Europe

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Russia shifts to LNG from piped gas.xlsx

    XLSX 168.91 KB

  • Document

    Russia’s journey from piped to LNG exports

    PDF 1.71 MB