
Mexico gas, power and renewables service: 2024 in review

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Unprecedented heatwaves shattered records, pushing peak electricity demand to new highs and straining the power grid. US-to-Mexico gas exports hit record levels in 2024, fueled by extreme weather-driven power demand and industrial growth supported by nearshoring. Key milestones solidified Mexico's role as an LNG supplier, including the commercial launch of NFE’s Fast LNG unit and a wave of new LNG project announcements. Swinging energy reforms reshaped Mexico’s regulatory landscape. The government reinstated state dominance over the power and oil industries, dissolving independent regulators like CRE and CNH. With CFE securing a constitutionally mandated 54% generation share, questions remain on how the new framework will be implemented in 2025. Join us as we break down the key events that defined Mexico’s energy markets in 2024.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Unprecedented heat drives record-breaking demand, power system alerts transparency, and blackouts
  • Mexico's capacity market doubles again amid early heatwave
  • Mexico's energy boom: record gas imports, LNG expansion, and a rising global role
  • Sweeping reforms restore state control, reshape regulation, and redefine the energy market's future

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Mexico's peak demand
  • Historical multipliers for the capacity market
  • US-to-Mexico exports

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Mexico Gas, Power And Renewables Service 2024 In Review.pdf

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