
Global Coal Markets: Ocean Freight and Infrastructure H2 2019

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In what was feared as one of the weakest years for dry bulk shipping, the market bounced back in remarkable form in the second half of 2019. As we move into next year, the impact of IMO 2020 is still a bit of a wildcard. Our expectation is that the availability of vessels will continue to be disrupted in the first half of the year as scrubber installs on the dry bulk fleet continue and ships undergo cleaning of their bunker tanks. Marine bunker fuel will be a key factor for the change in voyage costs post 2020. The IMO regulations will see a variety of bunker fuel used to meet the emissions requirements. There will be a rebound in new vessel supply in 2021 that will outpace tonne mile demand growth. Time charter rates are expected to move down, more in line with market fundamentals.

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This report contains:

  • Document

    Slide pack - Ocean freight and infrastructure H2 2019.pdf

    PDF 938.13 KB

  • Document

    Global Coal Markets: Ocean Freight and Infrastructure H2 2019

    PDF 715.56 KB