
Adjusting to a new metallurgical coal pricing system: Quarterly contract price round-up Q2 2017

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Quarterly hard coking coal contracts signed for Q2 2017 represent the start of a new era: life without bilateral price negotiations. The change has undoubtedly been disruptive, and there remains uncertainty over how price negotiations, and price formation, will develop over time. At this stage the impacts seem to be most keenly felt amongst small and mid-sized companies, that relied on the certainty provided by the industry's price-makers. Time will tell whether there are any real winners or losers, or whether the long-term effect is limited to just more complicated accounting. But in the short term there have been some observable impacts that are making life difficult, especially for the trade's price-takers. In this insight, we take a look at some of them.

Table of contents

  • 1. Provisional pricing is here to stay
  • 2. Transparency has declined
  • 3. Finalising PCI and SSCC prices is proving difficult
  • 4. Development of indices and derivatives should accelerate
  • 5. Price relativities will be changeable until new price mechanism settles down
  • China continues to drive stronger pricing

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This report contains:

  • Document

    Insight metallurgical coal quarterly price settlement Q2 2017.xls

    XLS 196.50 KB

  • Document

    Adjusting to a new metallurgical coal pricing system: Quarterly contract price round-up Q2 2017

    PDF 255.27 KB