
Duman Baimbetov

Senior Research Analyst, Bulks Assets


  • Asia
  • Iron ore markets
  • Steel markets
  • Coal

Get in touch with Duman

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Duman joined the Bulk assets team in December 2022 as a senior analyst with a primary focus on coverage of coal, iron ore and steel assets in the CIS region.

Before joining Wood Mackenzie, Duman held the position of M&A manager at Polymetal International where he supported the process of investing into mining projects in Kazakhstan. He also worked at ERG as a Business analyst responsible for medium-term financial planning and at Tau-Ken Samruk (SWF Samruk-Kazyna) as a Corporate finance manager.


BSc, Economics, Warwick University

MBA, Buisness Administration, Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Business in partnership with Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business

Fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English