Multi-Client Study - The Bauxite Puzzle
A detailed outlook for bauxite trade and industry economics
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The rapid increase of Chinese alumina production capacity has shaped bauxite trade in recent years. But Indonesia’s ore export ben and the expected decline of Malaysian reserves leaves a supply deficit. Will new major projects meet China’s relentless demand or are small-scale operations better positioned to take advantage of the ore’s attractive margins? Access to infrastructure, low transport costs and high quality product are critical for positive project economics. It’s also increasingly competitive to secure funds, as mining is out of favour with traditional investors.
Our study "The bauxite puzzle: connecting the pieces” examines where the opportunities lie in an evolving market. Review the global third party bauxite supply/demand fundamentals and understand true industry costs, project economics and price drivers.
The study includes detailed models and scenario analysis that provide insight into the competitive market ahead:
- Review third party bauxite suppliers using detailed, up-to-the-minute market information
- Test supply/demand outcomes, adjusting for market uncertainty
- Access insight from sources within China and South East Asia
- Draw on data from industry suppliers, shippers and consumers
- Explore cost and revenue analysis by asset, including our leading global mine cost platform
- Model benchmark price forecasts and assess value-in-use on an asset basis
Get in touch
Find out how we can help you identify and examine the most important factors affecting the bauxite market.

Nigel Tame, Director Metals and Mining Consulting