News Release

Wood Mackenzie focuses Lens on data

Firm’s vision puts data analytics at customers’ fingertips

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Fresh new design, cutting-edge cloud technology and open-source solutions are the hallmarks of Wood Mackenzie’s all-new platform, Lens. The new platform enables the consultancy’s natural resources customers to access, analyse and model data in every major commodity, in every market, in ways they have never been able to do before.

Bringing together our customer insight with our industry experts, creative product designers and engineers, WoodMac is creating a platform which will be the single destination for all natural resources data and analytics.

Neal Anderson

President and CEO, Wood Mackenzie

Neal leads our expert teams to deliver exceptional value and insight for clients worldwide

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The Lens platform will not only host WoodMac’s own data, it can also handle customers’ in-house data and that from any other source in the complex worlds of oil, gas, chemicals, metals, mining, power and renewables.

From the outset, WoodMac took a cloud-native, open-source route. Rather than bring in and customise out-of-the-box solutions, WoodMac opted for a fit-for-purpose product development approach, leveraging modern cloud services and open-source technology stacks. This allowed WoodMac to automate processes around data sourcing, gathering, and collation, offering an increased cadence of data delivery for analysis and modelling.

Customers can now access high-quality insights in real time, they can easily recalculate analytical queries and compare commodities throughout the world when they want to, and where they want to.

Today, WoodMac is investing in Lens, which will launch next month, with data covering wells in the Lower 48 US states. It plans to migrate all its data across every commodity it tracks in the months ahead.

Wood Mackenzie Lens harnesses the capabilities of a number of AWS services to provide an intuitive, scalable and secure platform, enabling the continuous delivery of large industry datasets and analytics capabilities that meet customer needs.

Introducing Wood Mackenzie Lens®


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