Sub-Saharan Africa upstream: 5 things to look for in 2023
Predictions for the year ahead
1 minute read
What's inside this year's report?
Sub-Saharan Africa is firmly back on the agenda. Giant discoveries in Namibia’s Orange Basin make it the world’s hottest new exploration basin and Europe is eyeing up the region’s vast undeveloped gas resources to help solve its energy crisis.
Upstream investment is returning, with several greenfield final investment decisions expected. Despite several new projects coming onstream in 2023 – the highest number this decade – all is not rosy. Tens of billions of dollars of capex are at risk at already committed major projects.
Powered by Lens Upstream, in Sub-Saharan Africa upstream: 5 things to look for in 2023, we dig into the five main themes to watch.
This includes:
- A bumper year for new field start-ups
- M&A: no shortage of assets for sale, but deal completion mired in challenges
- And more.
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