Cathode and precursor: 5 things to look for in 2023

Predictions for the year ahead

1 minute read

In this year’s report: 

Despite the many challenges of 2022 – not least disruption caused by the war in Ukraine and soaring raw material prices – EV producers and their battery supply chain had a successful year and entered 2023 on a high. EV sales and underlying CAM demand increased by 150% in size during the last twelve months.  

In 2023, it remains a challenge for the industry to sustain this high level of growth and to go further by scaling production across the value chain.   

In this report we draw on insight from our Cathode and Precursor Research Suite to highlight five key themes to watch out for in the year ahead.  

  • Oversupply of LFP cathode but tightness in nickel-based cathodes 
  • Increasing ESG awareness for all the steps of battery production 
  • An end to the supercycle? Will cathode and precursor material prices fall?  
  • And more.   

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