
Video | Three FIDs, one day: a turning point for CCUS in the UK and Denmark

Denmark’s Greensand Phase 1 and the UK’s Northern Endurance Partnership Phase 1, including NZT Powers, have reached FID

2 minute read

John Ferrier

Senior Research Analyst, Carbon Management

John works to provide expert insight and strategic analysis on developments in CCUS across EMEA to support his clients.

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On 10 December, three of the most anticipated Final Investment Decisions (FIDs) of 2024 were announced in the space of just a few hours.

In a recent video, we explored this topic; fill out the form to access the full analysis or continue reading to learn more.

Three FIDs in one day

In Denmark, INEOS, in partnership with Harbour Energy and Nordsøfonden, has made a Final Investment Decision (FID) for the first phase of the Greensand CO2 transport and storage project. This initiative aims to transport up to 0.4 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of CO2 via ship for permanent storage in the depleted Nini oil reservoir in the North Sea, sourced mainly from Danish biomethane plants, including the largest contributor, BioCirc.

In the UK, a joint venture of Equinor, BP, and TotalEnergies has also announced FID for the Northern Endurance Partnership, set to be operational by 2028. This project will transport and store up to 4 Mtpa of CO2, with its anchor emitter, NZT Power, being the largest CCS-equipped CCGT power plant globally to take FID, capturing up to 2 Mtpa of CO2 while supplying low-carbon power to the UK grid. These projects support the East Coast Cluster, which has received Track 1 status in the UK Government’s Cluster Sequencing Process.

The news is a welcome boost of confidence for the European CCUS industry. FIDs at Greensand and NEP represent Denmark and the UK’s first foray into offshore CO2 transport and storage. It levels the playing field with their North Sea counterparts, after Norway launched its Northern Lights project back in 2020, and the Netherlands with Porthos in 2023.


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To access a detailed analysis, fill out the form at the top of the page to watch the full video. The video explores this topic further using the Carbon and Power modules of our Lens platform.

In a brief video, we discuss the impact of the three FIDs, covering:

  • What role has the UK government played in getting these projects over the line?
  • What impact will NZT Power have on the UK power market?
  • How in reach are UK CCUS targets following the news?
  • How do the economics of Greensand compare to other hubs in the North Sea?

Lens Carbon

Lens Carbon provides the critical data and analysis needed to screen, benchmark, value and analyse carbon reduction, avoidance and removal opportunities. 

It is workflow driven, enabling users to quickly integrate regularly updated CCUS and offset project, emissions and storage data in a single flexible platform, substantially improving efficiency and data insights integrity.

A sprawling refinery, blanketed in smoke from the industrial chimney stacks. Country fields, stream and electricity pylons in the foreground.

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