Continental Europe upstream: 5 things to look for in 2022
Predictions for the year ahead
1 minute read
What's inside this year's report?
Out with the old and in with the new. That's the plan for Continental Europe in 2022. A high-profile field cessation in the Netherlands will contrast with new developments and fresh exploration at the region's frontiers.
Powered by Lens Upstream, we highlight the five main regional events and trends to follow in 2022:
- Groningen shutdown – will Europe's largest gas field cease, as planned?
- Black Sea developments – is this the year deepwater gas commercialisation advances?
- East Med exploration – what will the Majors' drilling restart in Cyprus bring?
- CCS expansion – which project FIDs do we expect?
- Decarbonisation strategies – how will governments find the right balance across a diverse continent?
Read our complimentary report to find out more about the themes to watch in the coming year.
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