Video | Future aluminium supply: where is it coming from?
We use Lens Metals & Mining to take you through our aluminium supply outlook
1 minute read
Ami Shivkar
Principal Analyst, Aluminium Markets

Ami Shivkar
Principal Analyst, Aluminium Markets
Ami has more than a decade of experience in the metals industry, specialising in aluminium and alumina markets.
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Video | Future aluminium supply: where is it coming from?
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In our latest metals and mining video, we use our Lens Metals & Mining data analytics platform to analyse where future aluminium supply will come from, and walk you through our latest aluminium supply outlook.
Fill out the form at the top of the page to watch the full video, and uncover insights such as:
- The near-term outlook for smelter production will be dominated by the nearing of China’s 45 Mt capacity cap, leaving little room for further output expansion.
- Meanwhile, the ROW project pipeline is scanty with some projects still in the feasibility study stage. These include Century Aluminum’s greenfield project in the US and Arctial’s proposed smelter in Finland.
- In the near term, much of the capacity additions will come from Indonesia and India.
- Overall, limited capacity additions will keep the global aluminium supply in check. We forecast the market to register a modest deficit this year.
- With supply growth slowing amid a cyclical recovery in demand, the risk is tilted towards bigger deficits out to 2027.
For more information about the outlook for aluminium, please fill out the form at the top of the page to watch our full aluminium outlook video.
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We uncovered the insights in this video using Lens Metals & Mining; our all-in-one platform that lets you unearth robust data analytics from mine to market. With over 3,330 assets encompassing mines, smelters, refineries and new projects across key mined commodities, Lens Metals & Mining allows investors and financiers like you to identify, evaluate and screen for growth opportunities. Find out more about Lens Metals & Mining.