Lens Carbon

Critical insights to shape decarbonisation strategies

Lens Carbon

Critical insights to shape decarbonisation strategies

A complete view of the carbon management value chain

Lens Carbon provides the critical data and analysis needed to screen, benchmark, value and analyse carbon reduction, avoidance and removal opportunities. 

It is workflow driven, enabling users to quickly integrate regularly updated CCUS and offset project, emissions and storage data in a single flexible platform, substantially improving efficiency and data insights integrity.

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A sprawling refinery, blanketed in smoke from the industrial chimney stacks. Country fields, stream and electricity pylons in the foreground.

Features and workflows

Lens Carbon provides global, project-level data for CCUS projects, storage locations and carbon offsetting projects, spanning sectors from forestry to renewable energy.

Key features of Wood Mackenzie's Lens Carbon:

  • CCUS and offset project screening and benchmarking.
  • Project valuations and costs.
  • Carbon pricing risk and opportunity assessment.
  • Written insight from our team of analysts.
  • Access to experts.

Proprietary data on all the key components needed to assess the carbon management landscape:

  • 900+ CCUS projects to screen.
  • 3,000+ offset projects across seven sectors, with an additional 20,000+ projects coming soon.
  • Global policy, carbon pricing and incentives.
  • Point-source emissions at the asset level for current and future years.
  • Reservoir attributes and calculated CO2 storage capacity by site.
  • Industry cost and asset valuation models, with live fiscal terms.

Wood Mackenzie's Lens Carbon enables a number of key workflows including:

  • Understand CCUS opportunities source-to-sink. Identify CO2 emissions, screen storage potential and analyse planned projects to pinpoint the optimum project locations. 
  • Identify where CO2 emissions are coming from, their scale and how long they will last to understand and forecast demand for CCUS and offsetting projects.
  • See how CO2 capture, transport, and storage capacity is being developed and how it will grow over time. 
  • Understand the type and scale of storage locations and their reservoir properties. 
  • Value CCUS and DAC projects under different scenarios. 
  • Use compliance carbon prices at the regional, national or subnational levels to assess the risk and opportunities of emissions and decarbonisation solutions 
  • Track the status and evolution of carbon offset projects that generate credits.

Why choose WoodMac's Lens Carbon?

  • Our team members have decades of broad industry experience, spanning geoscience, reservoir engineering, R&D, project execution, policy, economics and commercial advisory.
  • We engage in primary research with industry players on a weekly basis, including site visits.
  • The team are regularly sought-after to collaborate and inform companies’ strategic plans in CCUS and carbon management strategies.
  • Global coverage, project-level data for over 900 CCUS projects, over 18,000 storage locations and 3,000+ offsetting projects.
  • Ongoing access to a dedicated team of multi-disciplined analysts and subsurface specialists.
  • Enhanced granularity – CCUS specific, reservoir level subsurface data for depleted fields. Built from the bottom up, asset by asset.
  • Weekly data cadence – timely and most relevant analysis.
  • Written insight included as part of the package, to understand trends, business models, and policy drivers.
  • Truly integrated platform – all Lens solutions are aligned and accessible through the same UI.

Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's Lens Carbon. If you have any other questions, get in touch.

  • Large emitters from sectors including oil & gas, transport, steel, glass, cement, refineries, power and chemical plants and mining companies.

  • Organisations looking to achieve net zero in their emissions portfolios including tech, manufacturing, retail and services.

  • Financiers and public entities including banking, trading, governments and NGOs.

  • Project developers in oil & gas, tech providers, offset project developers and aggregators.

You get direct access to our expert carbon management analysts  located around the world, who have developed unrivalled knowledge of the sector regions they cover.  

Their strong, established relationships with industry contacts takes our primary research to a more detailed level, where we can ask the right questions to get to the answers that matter. And they are always available to share their unique perspective with you.

Understand trends in the market, technology and policy, along with key asset profiles through:

Core reports 

  • Regularly refreshed to keep you up-to-date on the market landscape.


  • Deep dives into regional views, analysis on topical events, or reviews on technology.

CCUS and offset project profiles 

  • Detailed overviews of individual projects, with valuations, commentary and saline aquifer subsurface profiles.


3rd Annual Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS) Conference

Join us from 8-9 October 2025 in Houston, TX

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