Products & services

Fibres and Technical Fibres

Understand the landscape for manmade and natural fibres and explore how different fibre types can be used to meet global needs.

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Gain invaluable insight into the evolving dynamics of the fibres market

Robust fibres demand is driven by the improved purchasing power of a growing global population. Polyester meets a significant share of this need, but demand for other fibre types is expanding fast too.

Our complete fibres services provide you with a combination of commercial data, historic pricing, price discovery and strategic insight for all the major synthetic and natural fibres,  helping yarn producers, spinners and weavers and buyers, throughout the chain, make the right decisions about global markets.

Features at a glance

We offer three separate services covering the fibres industry:

  • Fibres short-term service
  • Fibres long-term service
  • Technical fibres short-term

Fibres short-term service

Gain an integrated view of global short-term supply and demand, capacities and pricing with granular analysis and expert insights of chemical markets.

Our fibres short-term report provides a detailed overview of the global fibres industry for the seven major textile fibres:

  • Polyamide fibres (both filament and staple)
  • Viscose
  • Acrylic
  • Spandex
  • Polypropylene
  • Cotton
  • Wool

The service is supported by robust proprietary data that includes:

  • Detailed analysis of the factors which influence and disrupt the market
  • Regional coverage of the Americas, Europe, Asia and China
  • The latest regional prices for feedstocks and fibres
  • Price tables for approximately 100 fibre products and forecasts for polyester filament and fibres
  • Broad economic, trade, production and price data
  • Raw materials information and recent market developments are included for polyester, polyamide, acrylic, cellulosic and polypropylene fibres.
  • Specific coverage of the following sectors: apparel, industrial, carpet, fibres, sustainability and bio-fibres.        

Fibres long-term service

Optimise your commercial strategy with an integrated view of long-term market dynamics and strategic insights of global chemical markets.

Our long-term fibres service provides detailed capacities by company and by region for polyamide, polyester and acrylic fibres and yarns, plus annual production by region for polyamide, polyester, acrylic, and by broader region for polypropylene and cellulosics.

Textile mill consumption and final demand by region for man-made fibres, cotton, and wool are provided with data ranging from 2005 to a rolling 30-year forecast. Historical and forecasted capacity of over 1,700 operational polyester staple, textile filament, and industrial (carpet and monofilament) producers globally with data on feedstocks for each plant.

The service provides Excel spreadsheets for easy manipulation of our data into your formats with approximately 500 operational polyamide plants included.                                  

Technical fibres short-term service

Gain an integrated view of global short-term supply and demand, capacities and pricing with granular analysis and expert insights of chemical markets.

Our technical fibres short-term service provides a detailed overview of the global industry for the four major fibres used in industrial applications:

  • Polyester
  • Nylon
  • Polypropylene
  • Viscose rayon.

The service includes coverage of the automobile and tyre sectors, and sustainability and bio-fibre. This report is supported by robust proprietary data, including the latest regional prices for feedstocks and fibres, price tables for approximately 50 fibre products and forecasts for polyester filament and fibres, as well as broad economic, trade, production and price data.

We include raw materials information and recent market development commentary (especially for PTA, MEG, caprolactam, propylene and dissolving wood pulp) for polyester, polyamide, rayon and polypropylene fibres. You will have access to regional updates for Asia/Far East, the Americas and Europe covering these fibres, plus polyester, nylon, and rayon tyrecord fabric.

Designed to help you:
  • Understand the global and regional supply/demand outlook of synthetic and natural fibres
  • Assess consumer demand and textile mill consumption data
  • Understand the impact of global and regional trends, issues, and government policies on the fibre world
  • Identify growth opportunities for your business