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Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Packaging

Understand the commercial and strategic drivers of PET and Recycled PET supply and demand, price forecasts and leading market trends.

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Pinpoint value and manage risk with insights and proprietary data in PET markets

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin is one of the most widely used thermoplastic polymer resins. Extruded or moulded into plastic bottles, containers and trays, it is used to create rigid packaging for the food and consumer industry.

Whether you are a raw materials producer, a resin producer, a resin converter, an investor, and technology provider or in the recycle business, our commercially-focused insight and detailed proprietary data in PET markets, enables you to pinpoint value and manage risk in this extensive and complex global industry.

Recycle is now on everyone's agenda. PET is one of the most recyclable polymers, how this is likely to develop in the coming 3-5 years is key to our analysis of the PET and RPET industry.

Features at a glance

For the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packaging industry, we offer two services:

  • Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) short term service
  • Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) long-term service

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) short-term service

Gain an integrated view of global short-term supply and demand, capacities and pricing with granular analysis and expert insights of chemical markets.

Our PET resin short-term service comprises a global monthly report as well and an Asia weekly report.

The monthly report provides global analysis on market trends, and regional data and analysis on virgin PET resin for rigid packaging, focusing on near-term market dynamics and pricing trends. It provides in-depth analysis of regional supply and demand, production, trade dynamics and overview of the current raw materials outlook. The report includes relevant market-impacting news highlighting mergers and acquisitions, capacity announcements, and technological developments. Prices published are often cited in contracts involving buyers and sellers of PET resins, with a 12-month PET resin price forecast included for Asia, the United States, and Europe.

The Asia weekly report provides insight into, predominantly, the Chinese PET resin market, covering both domestic prices and export prices for China and additional South-East Asian countries. The report details current market dynamics, combined with a 3-month forecast on raw materials as well as PET resin prices.  

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) long-term service

Optimise your commercial strategy with an integrated view of long-term market dynamics and strategic insights of global chemical markets.

Our long-term service provides a multi-deliverable package with data covering supply, demand, capacity and projects, long-term pricing, and a comprehensive written analysis report. The report enables strategic planning and investment outlook, product and market evaluation, project feasibility review, and business plan validation.

The PET long-term service includes:

  • Country-level data on 140 separate countries and regions, looking at supply and demand dynamics out to 2050.
  • Detailed end-use segmentation, capacity and production data, and operating rates by country and region.
  • Regional and global summaries, including net trade positions and capacity additions that impact future trade flows.
  • Functional charting dashboard to enable easy generation of charts for analysis and client reports.
  • Existing capacities by site and location and latest views on future project start-up dates.
  • Price outlook to 2050, including crude, raw material and product pricing for Asia, US, and Europe.
  • Trade Matrix data which details trade patterns and shows which countries are the biggest importers and exporters.
  • A written report covering regional and global summaries, to compliment the long-term data and provide insight into Wood Mackenzie’s views on the market, delivered in PowerPoint format.
Designed to help you:
  • Examine the outlook on production, prices and profitability for PET, its key feedstocks and end use markets
  • Understand the supply / demand outlook both globally and on a regional level
  • Identify inter-regional trade patterns and arbitrage opportunities
  • Understand end use consumption trends