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Gain a comprehensive view of global supply and demand, price forecasts and petrochemical feedstock trends.

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Understand the outlook and identify opportunities with industry-leading data on polyethylene price and global markets

The polyethylene market’s complexity and global competitiveness requires you to have a comprehensive view of global supply and demand, price forecasts and petrochemical feedstock trends.

Our polyethylene services offer a complete picture of the global polyethylene market and includes cutting-edge data, reports and forecasts with an integrated view of crude oil, ethylene and other key feedstocks through the polyethylene value chain.

Features at a glance

For the polyethylene industry, we offer three services:

  • Polyethylene short term service
  • Polyethylene long-term service
  • Polyethylene asset benchmarking tool

Polyethylene short-term service

Gain an integrated view of global short-term supply and demand, capacities and pricing with granular analysis and expert insights of chemical markets.

Our global polyethylene short-term service provides analysis and forecasting of polyethylene markets in North America, Asia, Middle East/India and Europe. The interpretive report quickly summarizes essential market dynamics and provides an integrated view of NGLs to olefins through the polyethylene chemical chain and downstream applications.

The service covers supply and demand data and provides a price forecast for the polyethylene industry, broken down monthly through to the end of 2022. The report provides a comprehensive analysis using a complete short-term picture of polyethylene markets including trade data, inventories, capacity/projects and price, costs and margins forecasts across 4 major regions - Middle East/India, North America, Europe and Asia.

The service includes an interactive excel dashboard with global trade, capacity/projects, price, margin, and cost data    

Polyethylene long-term service

Optimise your commercial strategy with an integrated view of long-term market dynamics and strategic insights of global chemical markets.

Our global long-term polyethylene service is updated twice per year with analysis of the global polyethylene market, that including a rolling 30-year forecast and historical view back to 2005. The interpretive report contains an integrated view of ethylene feedstocks and downstream applications.

This service covers supply, demand and capacity, providing a price, cost and margin forecast for the polyethylene industry with an integrated view from oil, gas, NGLs and ethylene through polyethylene and its end-use segmentations. The underlying analysis incorporates feedstock prices and hypothetical future supply/demand balance.                               

Polyethylene asset benchmarking tool

Optimise your commercial strategy with an integrated view of long-term market dynamics and strategic insights of global chemical markets.

Our polyethylene ABT (PE ABT) models each polyethylene production asset globally, including firm/likely projects, and presents cost, production, margins, earnings, and more to characterise individual production units via all technologies. The PE ABT examines the cost competitiveness at major demand centers, accounting for ocean freights, inland transportation, duty, and fees. The tool provides the scenario capability for oil, natural gas and feedstock, monomer and polymers prices.

The tool provides an integrated view from oil, gas fundamentals through olefins and incorporates Wood Mackenzie inputs with petchems knowledge of operations. It can be integrated with our ethylene asset benchmarking tool by setting the integration levels and selecting the individual steam crackers to accurately asset the competitiveness from feedstocks to polymers in individual global demand centres.

Designed to help you:
  • Examine the outlook on product costs and profitability for polyethylene
  • Recognise pricing and demand patterns
  • Understand the supply/demand outlook both globally and on a granular regional level
  • Identify inter-regional trade patterns and arbitrage opportunities
  • Assess the impact of demand growth, new investments and technology changes
  • Identify opportunities and manage risk in the commodity chemical markets
  • Access subject matter experts for fast responses to inquiries