Products & services

Polyester Film (BOPET)

Analyse global trends in biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate (BOPET) films to gain strategic insights and an understanding of global demand and pricing.

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Monitor the competition and discover investment opportunities

The industry has experienced significant change in its customer base as demand moved from large-volume technical applications, such as imaging and magnetic tape, towards commodities in flexible packaging and other industrial end uses.

Raw material suppliers (PTA/MEG) seeking potential customers, polyester film suppliers monitoring their competition and looking for investment and substitution opportunities as well as buyers planning new sourcing strategies benefit from our experience in monitoring global developments in the biaxially-oriented polyester film industry.

Features at a glance

For the biaxially-orientated polyethylene terephthalate (BOPET) industry, we offer 2 services:

  • BOPET short-term service
  • BOPET long-term service


Biaxially-orientated polyethylene terephthalate (BOPET) short-term service

Gain an integrated view of global short-term supply and demand, capacities, and pricing with granular analysis and expert insights of chemical markets.

Our short-term polyester film (BOPET) service provides strategic insights into global sourcing options for BOPET films enabling users to understand the factors driving global demand and influencing material choices.

We monitor and forecast short-term BOPET film pricing, while also reporting on the factors driving future pricing of BOPET films. This service identifies growth opportunities in added-value specialty films and helps customers build strong relationships with suppliers and customers with greater market understanding.

Industry events, market opportunities, and threats are analysed monthly and quarterly providing price trends in film and raw materials.                    

Biaxially-orientated polyethylene terephthalate (BOPET) long-term service

Optimise your commercial strategy with an integrated view of long-term market dynamics and strategic insights of global chemical markets.

With our long-term service, we provide insights into supply and demand trends and key growth drivers in the biaxially-oriented polyester film market.

The long-term service includes:

  • A market-leading supply and demand data set
  • Five-year historic volume statistics and forecasts
  • Market volume statistics demand by film type, historic, and forecast
  • End-use volume statistics by region / major country
  • Detailed reviews of capacity, production, trade flows, and demand by major consuming market
  • Capacity statistics by producer
Designed to help you:
  • Gain strategic insights into global sourcing options for BOPET films
  • Understand the factors driving global demand and influencing material choices
  • Monitor the factors driving future pricing of BOPET films
  • Identify growth opportunities in added-value specialty films
  • Build strong relationships with suppliers and customers with greater market understanding