Exploration Service
Benchmark performance and future potential of exploration basins
The ability to effectively assess commercial factors is critical to success at every stage of your oil and gas exploration plans.
Exploration Service provides in-depth analysis of competitor strategies and recent performance of acreage capture, discoveries, and value creation, so that you can understand how fellow bidders will behave.
The unique exploration valuation methodology lets you understand where and how value has been created recently, and whether value can be created by further exploration.

Features and workflows
Scan the world for opportunities and identify the value of potential basins across 20 regions with analysis on trends, company performance and forecasts. With detailed, multi-parameter data tailored to your specific needs, our Exploration Service makes it easy to explore commercially viable basins and evaluate how companies are achieving success.
Key features of Wood Mackenzie's Exploration Service:
- Exploration Service Data Tool with both historic data and future forecasts for basins.
- Well Tracker with global coverage of recent and future exploration wells.
- Future Exploration Economics Tool & Report covering yet-to-find potential and commercial attractiveness.
- Exploration Trend Report with trend analysis on conventional exploration.
- Company Performance Tool & Report to benchmark exploration results of companies over the past decade.
Wood Mackenzie's Exploration Service provides data on:
- Global, regional and thematic trends based on 25 different performance metrics.
- 40+ companies' exploration strategy and performance.
- Tracking over 1,000 planned, drilling and recently completed E&A wells.
- Prospective resource analysis to 2040 for 130+ basins.
- Volumes, success, costs and commercial data for 500+ basins.
- Prospect economics for over 1,000 potential discoveries worldwide.
Exploration Service operates across a number of key workflows including:
- Benchmark companies, countries, basins and plays to inform decisions on conventional exploration strategy.
- Understand the strategies of explorers and the impact on volume and value success metrics.
- Screen opportunities and identify commercially viable basins.
- Leverage historical performance and outlook analysis to identify profitable growth opportunities.
- Evaluate how and where the best explorers are achieving their success.
- Monitor the latest and planned key wells by country and company.
Why choose WoodMac?
Our historical data is based on figures sourced from our proprietary Upstream Service, so its credibility is unchallenged.
With detail down to the individual discovery, cost and play level, our Exploration Service enables you to evaluate trends and fully understand what drives performance.
Our rigorous exploration analysis reveals what a field is worth and its true cost of discovery, giving you accuracy when you need it most — and the confidence to deliver commercial success.
We work directly with operators to paint an accurate picture of their performance over time, giving you unparalleled benchmarking capabilities and rich geographic coverage.
Frequently asked questions
Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's Exploration Service. If you have any other questions, get in touch.
Individuals and teams involved in:
Exploration/New ventures
Compare and contrast different strategies of key explorers at play, basin, company, and country level.
Identify where the most and least future and remaining value and reserves are situated.
Support pitches for acquisition and divestment opportunities with comprehensive exploration data.
Quickly identify which explorer has successfully done what, where, and how.
Tailor your exploration strategy and identify strengths and weaknesses.
M&A/Business development
Determine where to buy and where to sell.
Support pitches for acquisition and divestment opportunities.
Evaluate a company's exploration strategy and performance to make better informed decisions.
Compare and contrast exploration portfolios to identify possible synergies or overlaps.
Help quantify the likely future value creation and performance of explorers.
Analyse and benchmark the performance of the top 40 explorers using extensive exploration performance data.
Senior executives
Identify where the exploration opportunities are now and in the future.
Support opportunity screening exercises and identify where exploration budgets should go.
Evaluate a company's exploration strategy and performance to help make better informed M&A decisions.
Compare and contrast exploration portfolios to identify possible synergies or overlaps.
Support pitches for acquisition and divestment opportunities with comprehensive exploration data.
Analyse and benchmark the performance of the top 40 explorers using extensive exploration performance data.
Exploration Trends Report: Trend analysis for 500+ basins for conventional exploration.
Future Exploration Economics Report: companies yet-to-find potential & commercial attractiveness for 130+ basins.
Company Performance Report: Benchmarks exploration results for 40+ companies over the past decade.
Regional Basin Reports: Historic and forward-looking view for 130+ basins.
Topical Insights: Ad hoc reports on key issues facing explorers.
You can speak to our expert analysts, located around the world, who have developed unrivalled knowledge of the sectors and regions they cover.
Their strong, established relationships with industry contacts takes our primary research to a more detailed level, where we can ask the right questions to get to the answers that matter. And they are always available to share their unique perspective with you.
Contact an expert
With detail down to the original discovery, cost and play level, our Exploration Service enables you to evaluate trends and fully understand what drives performance. Get in touch with one of our experts to learn more about how Wood Mackenzie's Exploration Service can help you.