Metals & Mining Smelters & Refineries Cost Services
Comprehensive insights into smelters and refineries’ operating costs, allowing comparative analysis and forecasting.
Essential information on whether to acquire, divest or optimise metal smelters and refineries
When considering the construction or acquisition of metals smelters or refineries, metal producers and consumers, industry contractors, and governments of countries hosting metals production sites need reliable data and information on production and cost forecasts to evaluate and mitigate supply chain opportunities and risks.
Our services make it easy to get:
- Detailed data on global and asset-level cost drivers for smelters and refineries.
- Technical details such as process flow sheet, feed preparation and forecasts for costs, production and anode allocation.
- Cost curves on smelters and refineries by asset, company, and country.
Build your business resilience:
- Examine costs and production levels to aid contract negotiation, secure supply chains, and manage inventory levels.
- Strengthen business strategies by examining evolving cost structures.
- Benchmark against peers to understand competitive position.
Metals & Mining Smelters & Refineries Cost Services suite of products:
Access to detailed smelter and refinery-level asset reports and granular data on operating costs for comparative analysis.
Comprehensive service that includes insights into operating costs, allowing comparative analysis and forecast of copper smelter and refinery assets
In-depth analysis of operational costs for zinc smelter and refinery assets, enabling comparison and future projections.
Contact an expert
Whether you’re looking for attractive new opportunities, evaluating existing projects or widening your research base in a specific segment, our experts are on hand to guide you through which aspects of our world-leading products will work for you.