Global Oil Storage Monitoring
Gain a competitive edge with in-depth coverage of global oil storage
Quickly and efficiently understand how key storage assets affect the oil balance equation and how they fit in a globally connected market.
This unique solution combines visual imagery measurements of storage assets across North America and Europe with satellite measured data in hard to monitor regions.

Visual Imagery Monitoring in North America and Europe
Wood Mackenzie's proprietary collection methods use visual imagery & sensors to measure storage in key hubs across North America and Europe.
Satellite Measured Data in Hard to Monitor Regions
In collaboration with 3DVI & AER, this dataset expands Wood Mackenzie’s already robust data coverage in the US, Canada, and Europe for a truly global and integrated view of oil storage.
Wood Mackenzie has the longest, most accurate history of individual tanks across the U.S., Canada, and Europe against which to calibrate the satellite measurement algorithm, which means we can exclude fixed-roof tanks from our benchmark “truth” data.
Designed for you
Learn how Oil Storage data can help with your workflow.
Global View
Quickly and efficiently understand how key storage assets affect the oil balance equation and how they fit in a globally connected market.
Tank Level Detail
Improve analyses & forecasts, mitigate risks, and support decisions with granular detail down to the tank and operator level.
Integrated Visualization and Analytic Capabilities
Easily track storage assets to gain insights into the market using standardized asset IDs and mapping capabilities.
Bundled Solutions
Wood Mackenzie offers a multitude of complementary data solutions across the energy value chain to enhance workflows and guide decision making.
Wood Mackenzie Expertise
Wood Mackenzie data is backed by the largest, most accurate set of SMEs and research products for trusted & accurate insights into market dynamics.