Aluminium Product Suite
Unparalleled analysis of aluminium value chain from mining, refining, and smelting to market
Uncover market trends and insights across the entire aluminium value chain
Rising demand for aluminium in the automotive and construction industries has caused supply chain challenges and fluctuating costs. We offer a comprehensive suite of tools that provides in-depth analysis of supply and demand, price forecasts, and detailed demand data by end-use sector and product type for bauxite, alumina, and aluminium.

Features and workflows
A complete picture of the aluminium value chain from bauxite mines to aluminium smelters and alumina refineries with a global view in our detailed cost analysis and comprehensive market outlooks, both short-term and long-term
Key features of Wood Mackenzie's Aluminium Product Suite:
- Detailed reports and analysis of aluminium market.
- Asset-level profiles covering bauxite mines, alumina refinery and smelters.
- Cost model and cost curves tools.
- Market data tool to visualise data through charts and graphs on supply, demand and prices.
- Regularly published reports and insights.
Wood Mackenzie's Aluminium Product Suite provides data on:
Aluminium Market Service
- Strategic Planning Outlook: Comprehensive view of global and regional markets for the next 30 years, with data and analysis to 2050.
- Investment Horizon Outlook: Analysis of the investment landscape and market implications for current and anticipated investments for the next 10 years, with data to 2050.
- Short-Term Outlook: Monthly market outlook on supply, demand, trade, and price forecasts for the next 2 years.
- Bauxite, alumina and aluminium company benchmarking: 19 major company analysis covering their material balances and 5 year outlook for third-party bauxite and alumina markets.
Aluminium Cost Service
- Detailed asset reports and summaries covering mine life costings, production, and reserves.
- 250+ bauxite mines modelled and analysed based on Wood Mackenzie's base case scenario.
- 700+ assets, encompassing smelters and refineries, modelled and analysed based on Wood Mackenzie's base case scenario.
- Forecast for bauxite mines, alumina refineries, smelters production, trade flows, and cost metrics for each type of asset.
- Access to granular data on supply, demand, price forecast, trade flows, cost, production, and product manufactured from the cast house with our data tools.
Stay informed
- Access to tailored insights into key market themes and our global team of Wood Mackenzie analysts.
Wood Mackenzie's Aluminium Product Suite enables a number of key workflows including:
- Gather accurate market intelligence on the aluminium assets (bauxite mines, alumina refineries and smelters), companies and countries.
- Screen, identify and assess potential assets or companies for acquisition.
- Conduct valuation appraisal, financial modelling and cost-benefit analysis.
- Benchmark against industry peers and develop strategies to improve competitive positioning.
- Analyse cost structures and resource allocation to inform strategic planning and enhance overall business strategies.
Why choose WoodMac's Aluminium Product Suite?
People: Our global team of experts has modelled hundreds of scenarios to analyse metals and mined commodities, integrating data and insights across the entire energy value chain.
Integrated: Our integrated analysis takes a unique approach, providing a comprehensive overview of the interdependencies between battery raw materials, and base metal commodities.
Granularity: Built from the bottom up, access asset-level data through our portal and tools.
Industry-standard methodology: Our C1, C2, and C3 mine cost methodology has been established as the global industry standard, entrenched in the workflows of the world’s leading financial institutions and mining corporations.
Breadth: Our market outlooks offer insights into global and regional market fundamentals, providing a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape.
Transparency: Analysis and commentary on supply, demand and price fundamentals to help you answer complex questions on aluminium markets' production, consumption and trade.
Frequently asked questions
Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's Aluminium Product Suite. If you have any other questions, get in touch.
Designed for a diverse range of professionals and organisations in the aluminium industry seeking reliable data, analysis, insights, and tools to navigate the complexities of the landscape. This includes bauxite mine owners and operators, investment analysts, fund managers, commodity traders, commercial strategists, business development managers, supply chain and procurement managers.
Our comprehensive coverage of the aluminium market includes an in-depth forecast demand and supply analysis. Our analysis and insights will provide you with a holistic understanding of the market fundamentals of the entire aluminium value chain.
Our Aluminium Cost Services cover global and asset-level production and cost profiles of individual bauxite mines and alumina refineries. Additionally, our asset reports on aluminium smelters contain in-depth analysis from raw materials to processing and products manufactured from the cast house.
We provide individual asset reports to help you understand the trend for overall bauxite mine and refined aluminium supply, production and costs, margins, and quality. Our cost curve and model tools empower you to thrive in a competitive landscape. Use it to:
Benchmark against competitors to optimise costs and margins.
Identify risks, opportunities, and operational efficiencies to enhance profitability.
Stress test with scenario modelling capabilities under Wood Mackenzie’s energy transition scenarios to assess business resilience and optimise planning and investment strategies.
Contact an expert
Whether you’re looking for attractive new opportunities, evaluating existing projects or widening your research base in a specific segment, our experts are on hand to guide you through which aspects of our world-leading Aluminium Product Suite will work best for you.