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Horizons Live: Scraping the barrel

Is the world running out of high-quality oil and gas?

1 minute read

Simon Flowers, Chairman and Chief Analyst hosts this edition's Horizons Live replay and is joined by Andrew Latham, Vice President, Energy Research and Ann-Louise Hittle, Head of Macro Oils.

The world is not going to run out of oil and gas any time soon. Total oil and gas resources are more than likely to double demand by 2050, with gas reserves sitting at 1.5 trillion oil-barrel equivalents. It’s the quality of this supply that’s the issue. Advantaged resources (price resilient and low emissions) could only be enough to supply half the demand by 2050. So, what can companies do to mitigate this shortage?

Watch on demand as our panel discusses whether the world is running out of high-quality oil and gas. 

Want to find out more?

Read the original Horizons issue or view our other Horizons reports.